Little Leni Group
With Lockdown being an integral part of our everyday lives it's great to know there is hope for the future.

Pre planned programs are designed to meet your fitness needs. Scheduled workouts are FREE so there is no excuse not to exercise. Work out to your own ability and capability with ease. These 30 min workouts will suit beginner as well as advanced participants. Exercising in the comfort of your own home has never been this easy.


Don't let depression, disease or illness "Get you down". Eat naturally grown healthy food, speak kind words and thoughts". More positive opportunities will come to you in your life. When you do so, you will soon begin to conquer your life and your health through new found empowerment - mind, body and soul.
This transformation, is focused on mind-body health, which is very important because this can greatly boost your chances of achieving what you want in life, including a fitter, healthier lifestyle.
8 Reasons to Exercise
Social Support
Social support is protective against the effects of stress and has been found to be associated with longevity.
Emotional Disclosure
By keeping a journal or speaking with others, emotional disclosure helps people cope with events. Also, people who use these strategies have lower blood pressure and report fewer health problems when compared with people who don’t.
Humor has been used to demonstrate “stress-busting” qualities and reduces the body's physiological response to stress.
Healthful Choices
Healthy behaviors, such as developing and maintaining good nutrition and an exercise program, are crucial for optimal health.
An attitude of commitment to yourself, your loved ones, your work, and your health is vitally important.
The belief that you can respond effectively to situations that arise in your life, rather than feeling hopeless and incompetent.
The ability to see change as exciting and an opportunity for growth rather than viewing it as frightening and fearing failure.
The enduring assurance that you are understood and validated by those you are closest to.